choosing a career path

Thirtysomething Career Angst: Will You Be Counting Down The Days Till Friday?

Get Clear. Get Into Grad School. Get On With Your Life.

by Dr. Khia on May 3, 2011

Now that I’m out of graduate school, I’m finding that I have more time on my hands to spend on the little joys of life. You know…. like leisurely reading Chick Lit.

A friend of mine recommended that I read “Something Borrowed” so that we could watch the movie over popcorn, Pepsi, and the big screen at the movie theatre. I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and totally consumed it from cover to cover in just a few days. THIS is how I like my drama – in black and white and printed on dog-eared pages.

I found out that I related a lot to the protagonist, Rachel. Not because I’m a fiance-stealing-hussy (I’m not, by the way, and I did have some compassion for her love triangle situation and dealing with that insufferable “best friend” Darcy), but because, here she was – the proverbial Smart Girl who had studied hard, graduated from a top university, had an ultra super status-y career, and was hating every minute of her job. [click to continue…]