Wait! What if I Can’t Find An Accountability Partner?

Get Clear. Get Into Grad School. Get On With Your Life.

by Dr. Khia on September 26, 2011

An accountability partner is one of the best kept secrets in making the grad school application process bearable. (OK. At least semi-bearable until they invent something to cure the mounting anxiety of “Will I get in or not?”) So let’s suppose you’ve already done the legwork of trying to find an accountability partner and you’re still coming up short in the candidate search.

This is where a grad school coach steps in. If you’re still in school – and especially if you aren’t – it can feel like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack to find an accountability partner that is serious about taking the grad school admissions journey with you.

grad school admissions coaching

The beautiful thing is… there is a solution to your problems. Team up with a grad school coach as your ultimate accountability partner. Some of the benefits of working with a coach:

I’ve been there, done that, and gotten the t-shirt

You can feel free to read more about my personal story here, but I’m not a grad school coach just because I got admitted to someone’s program. It took me three excruciating rides on the Grad School Merry Go Round to finally be admitted to a Ph.D. program. I know what it takes to get into some of the nation’s best graduate programs because I’ve been there – and for better or for worse – learned the ropes through experience. I guide you around the pitfalls and potholes to earning acceptance letters!

No flaking out

You probably already know this – people have an unfortunate tendency to flake out, not follow through, or change their minds, leaving you high and dry when you need them most. How would feel if your accountability partner just up and disappeared one day? You can get a backup or a backup to the backup. OR you can work directly with someone who it is their JOB to be accountable to you throughout the grad school application process.

We will meet regularly at a predetermined interval that works for you. And better yet, a free service by the name of Skype means that we can video chat whenever and wherever is convenient. Also… unlimited email access to ask whatever questions come to mind? Sweet!

What I give to my clients is understanding of where they are now and where they wanna be. I can pinpoint some of the common mistakes because I’ve made them and I can help you avoid all of the major pitfalls and potholes. I can help you manage your anxiety. I can help you strategize how to become a more competitive applicant. I can walk you through a process of choosing grad programs that best fit your ultimate career goals. I can help you turn that admissions essay from OK to good to OMG THIS IS AWESOME!

Let me be your ultimate accountability partner!

Check out the coaching services I provide. Read my client testimonials. Whatever you do… make sure that your brilliance finds itself in grad school.

Your brilliance belongs in grad school!
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  • you know, i’ve never really given the idea of having a coach much thought. i’m personally not on the PhD or grad school track, but this certainly sounds like good advice to pass on to friends and family that are thinking about going that route. thanks for sharing 🙂


    • Thank you for your comment Kola! Yes, it is way to easy to kind of get lost in application process. Please do share with your friends and family if you think they will find it helpful. 🙂

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